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Terms and Conditions


Aum Yoga Wellness will be capturing pictures of various classes, sessions, and activities along with the teachers-students present at those times. This is for our various publications (print and electronic media).

We respect each person’s privacy and hence if anyone has any objection to be captured in the frame, please feel free to step aside/outside of the camera frame and inform their respective coordinators.


Once you make the transfer please send us the payment receipt of your transaction amount for confirmation of your payment – thanks to this small help, we will keep track of your payment

If you cannot pay via bank transfer, we can send a payment link to your email address. For further details please contact us.

All the transaction fees shall be covered by the student/applicant – it refers to the fees taken by PayPal, Western Union, bank, etc.

Cancellation Policy

100% Cancellation Charges or no refund in case of Cancellation or No-Show.

Cancellation 2 days prior to package session beginning, in the middle of package not allowed

 Aum Yoga Wellness is not responsible for any mishaps before the course schedule.

 Aum Yoga Wellness reserves the right to cancel any booking that they feel necessary.

 In case of cancellation of course by Aum Yoga Wellness before the beginning of the course, the student will receive a 100% refund of the amount paid

Aum Yoga Wellness is not liable for any expenses the student may have occurred including the travel expenses (e.g. flight and train tickets) even in case of a Training cancellation either by the participant or Aum Yoga Wellness.

Payment of fee implies consent to all the information, rules, regulations, terms and conditions of Aum Yoga Wellness.

The student is free to leave the course at any time. In this eventuality there will not be any refund and readmission will not be agreed.


 Positive energy and attitude: remember that your energy affects other people around you.  Please try to keep a positive and happy attitude during your training.

 Respect the teacher and your fellow students, please practice as instructed by the teacher and do not practice your own series during class.

Do not argue or disagree with your teachers based on your past experiences. Be prepared to learn from our teachers with an open mind and new perspective, not comparing to past experiences.

 We expect students to follow the Yamas and Niyamas (according to Patanjali) to the best of their ability.

 Practice patience and kindness in the premises. Students/participants shall treat all (teachers, staff and volunteers of Aum Yoga Wellness) with due respect and courtesy at all times.

 Usage of phones in the class is prohibited.

 Our schedule is subject to change.  We would appreciate your flexibility and willingness to adapt to any changes.

Clean up your space at the end of class. Pick up your mats and put in the designated areas

Code of Conduct – Dress Code

Students/participants are required to be decently and appropriately dressed in the premises of Aum Yoga Wellness.

Tight body-hugging clothes, short tops, shorts, revealing clothes, tank tops, low cut shirts, short T-shirts, etc. are strictly prohibited inside the premises. Ideally, the dress code of students/participants are expected to be attired in trousers, track pants, sleeved T-shirts, shirts, salwar kameez, kurta pyjama.

 In case any student/participant is inappropriately dressed, Aum Yoga Wellness reserves its right to prohibit entry of such students/participants in its premises. The decision of the Institute in such case shall be final and binding on the students/participants.

General Health Condition

Any health-related advice and suggestions given at Aum Yoga Wellness should not be used for diagnosing purposes or be substituted for medical advice.

Always consult your doctor or qualified health professional on any matters regarding your health. Consult your physician before changing your diet, starting an exercise (yoga) program.


It is the sole responsibility of the students/participants to consult a physician prior to and regarding their participation in the programmes offered by Aum Yoga Wellness.


Students/participants are responsible for their own well-being during the class and are advised to practice at their own pace, understanding their limitations. Students/participants are required to inform their teacher if there have been any changes in their medical / health condition which might affect their participation.

Pregnant Students/Participants

Our classes, by default, are not suitable for pregnant students/participants, except the Pregnancy Camp. If any student/participant is pregnant and wishes to participate in any other programme they are necessarily required to discuss their options.


Aum Yoga Wellness does not provide liability insurance for the protection of children, parents, visitors, or others who may participate in any of our programmes.

In consideration for their participation in any programme, the participants do hereby release and forever discharge Aum Yoga Wellness and its directors, teachers, office bearers, and employees, jointly and severally from any and all actions, causes of actions, claims and demands for, upon or by reason of any damage, loss or injury, which hereafter may be sustained by participating in any of our programmes. This release extends and applies to, and also covers and includes, all unknown, unforeseen, unanticipated and unsuspected injuries, damages, loss and liability and the consequences thereof, as well as those now disclosed and known to exist.

Reference and Course Material

Students/participants may be given handouts, notes and reading material during their participation in our programmes. These are for the personal use of the students/participants only and cannot be circulated, distributed, printed, exploited, exhibited, transmitted, reproduced, broadcasted, adapted or posted in any public domain. Any such use shall amount to infringement of copyright and shall be dealt with strictly.

Teaching material is the sole ownership of Aum Yoga Wellness and will not be shared.

Students are not allowed to take photos or videos during classes.

No Refund Policy

No refund, unless an emergency


Contact Us If you have any questions about our Terms and Conditions please contact us at

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